British Falcon Races 2020
The British Falcon Races were held over two days in late September. We welcomed 22 falcons into the Flat race, and another 28 into the Hunt race.
History was made on Sunday 27th September as Gareth Dargue and Gail Carr won a large cash prize and a solid bronze Trophy for their first place position in the Flat Race. Their Gyr Saker ‘Casper’ completed the 400m flight in just 20.591 seconds!
Then there’s the Fox Falcons team, who claimed first and second place in the Hunt Race on Sunday 27th September! The team took home a large cash prize and a solid bronze Trophy. Their Gyr Peregrine ‘Swallow’ completed the Hunt Race in a record time of 1min 30, and their Gyr Saker ‘Slipstream’ closely behind, with a time of 1min 38.
Race Results
View the placed falcons for each race at The British Falcon Races 2020 below;
2020 Flat Race Results - 400 metres
Position | Falcon Name | Falcon Owner | Species | Ring Number | Time |
1 | Casper | Gareth Dargue | Gyr x Saker | 112163 | 20.591 |
2 | Fyfa | NBC Environment | Peregrine x Barbary | 1 NBC 19 V | 23.575 |
3 | Nebula | NBC Environment | Gyr x Peregrine | 101 DICKSON | 26.02 |
4 | Nos | Dr Nick Fox | Gyr | 3930FOXW | 27.524 |
5 | Saar | Carl Bewick | Gyr x Saker | 13524xfalconmews | 27.527 |
6 | King Robert | Joel Coldron | Gyr x Saker | 149M&J Raptors 10W | 27.613 |
7 | Kika | Ryan Dryburgh | Peregrine Falcon | 3121 | 27.995 |
8 | Luna | James Woodward | Saker | 199 | 29.09 |
9 | The Gentleman | Jacob O'Neil | Rusticolus x Peregrinus | 22992W and 5823X | 29.82 |
10 | Odin | Dr Nick Fox | Gyr | 3996FOXW | 29.834 |
11 | Kiddo | Gerard and Gemma | Gyr | 005sulterx | 31.014 |
12 | Gamora | NBC Environment | Gyr x Peregrine | 109 DICKSON | 32.24 |
13 | Lupin | Dr Nick Fox | Gyr | 3950FOXW | 32.26 |
14 | The Tortoise | Alwathba Falcons | Gyr x Saker x Peregrine | 7LRW15W | 33.163 |
15 | The Morrigan | Jacob O'Neil | Rusticolus x Peregrinus | 22992W and 5823X | 36.794 |
16 | Mocha | Ryan Stocks | Saker | 0541 SNPWS.V | 1m 09 |
17 | Bella | Elliot Guy | Saker | 582232 | No time recorded |
18 | Gwynne | Dr Nick Fox | 7/8th Gyr x Saker | 0275FOXX | No time recorded |
19 | Felix | Paul Tuckwell | Hybrid Pere x Lanner | 1394 | No time recorded |
20 | Barika | Dr Nick Fox | Gyr | 0278FOX X | No time recorded |
21 | Trinity | Gerard and Gemma | Gyr | 001 Sulter X | No time recorded |
22 | Dapper | Nathalie Denolf | Peregrine x American Kestrel | 1DOGROSEFALCONST | No time recorded |
2020 Hunt Race Results
Position | Falcon Name | Falcon Owner | Species | Pilot | Ring Number | Time |
1 | Swallow | Dr Nick Fox | Gyr x Peregrine | Dylan Freeman | 1282FOX14W | 01:30 |
2 | Slipstream | Dr Nick Fox | 7/8th Gyr x Saker | Dylan Freeman | 1242FOX14W | 01:38 |
3 | Gamora | NBC Environment | Gyr x Peregrine | John Dickson | 109 DICKSON | 01:42 |
4 | Ragnar | Jonathan Ames | Gyr | Jonathan Ames | 1 JD Falcons W | 01:59 |
5 | Ivory | NBC Environment | 3/4 Gyr Saker | John Dickson | 26 NBC | 02:03 |
6 | Piggy Twinkles | Alwathba Falcons | Gyr | Henry Selby | AL 2460 Wathba A | 02:12 |
7 | Tatiana the Russian Rectifier | Roy Lupton | Gyr x Saker | Roy Lupton | 17ROY.L17W | 02:14 |
8 | Nos | Dr Nick Fox | Gyr | Dylan Freeman | 3930FOXW | 02:17 |
9 | Odin | Dr Nick Fox | Gyr | Dylan Freeman | 3996FOXW | 02:20 |
10 | The Tortoise | Alwathba Falcons | Gyr x Saker x Peregrine | Henry Selby | 7LRW15W | 02:28 |
11 & 12 | James the Judicator the 1st | Roy Lupton | Gyr x Peregrine | Roy Lupton | 12ROY.L17W | 02:32 |
11 & 12 | Mantis | NBC Environment | Gyr x Peregrine | John Dickson | 100 DICKSON | 02:32 |
13 | Loki | Anthony Rawlings | Gyr x Saker | John Dickson | 13 Gorman Falco 20 | 02:44 |
14 | Kuli High Ambition Dancing Dragon | Holly Cale | Gyr x Saker | Adam Bloch | 15ROY.L17W | 02:49 |
15 | OH NO | Alwathba Falcons | Gyr | Henry Selby | AL 2464 Wathba A | 02:50 |
16 | Basheera | Dr Nick Fox | 15/16 Gyr x Saker | Ben Hewes | 0283 FOX X | 03:04 |
17 | Fyfa | NBC Environment | Peregrine x Barbary | Ben Davies | 1 NBC 19 V | 03:10 |
18 | Juno | Ben Hewes | 3/4 Gyr x Saker | Ben Hewes | 108505W | 03:17 |
19 | Beca | Dr Nick Fox | Gyr x New Zealand | Dylan Freeman | 4009FOXW | 01:39 (disqualified) |
20 | Stell | Dr Nick Fox | 7/8th Gyr x Saker | Dylan Freeman | 3791FOXW | 02:17 (disqualified) |
21 | Sahara | Anthony Rawlings | 3/4 Gyr x Saker | John Dickson | 25 NBC | 02:30 (disqualified) |
22 | Bella | Dr Nick Fox | 15/16th Gyr x Saker | Dylan Freeman | 0293FOXX | 02:34 (disqualified) |
23 | Lupin | Dr Nick Fox | 3950FOXW | Dylan Freeman | 3950FOXW | 02:34 (disqualified) |
24 | Himself | Dr Nick Fox | Gyr x New Zealand | Dylan Freeman | 3767FOXW | 02:35 (disqualified) |
25 | Valentina Moscow's Machiavellian | Roy Lupton | Gyr x Saker | Roy Lupton | 18ROY.L20W | 02:43 (disqualified) |
26 | Nebula | NBC Environment | Gyr x Peregrine | John Dickson | 101 DICKSON | 03:20 (disqualified) |
27 | Gwynne | Dr Nick Fox | 7/8th Gyr x Saker | Dylan Freeman | 0275FOXX | 03:54 (disqualified) |
28 | Dakhyia | Dr Nick Fox | Gyr x New Zealand | Dylan Freeman | 3998FOXW | 04:22 (disqualified) |
Watch the video highlights from the 2019 and 2020 races on YouTube
♦ 2020 PRIZES ♦
The cash prizes were very kindly sponsored by Dubai Falcon Center.
The solid bronze Trophy for the Flat race winner was kindly sponsored by Ayama.
The solid bronze Trophy for the Hunt race winner was sponsored by IWC Ltd.
Flat Race (Telwah)
First Prize: £5,000 and Trophy
Second Prize: £1,500
Third Prize: £500
Hunt Race (for falconer and pilot)
First Prize: £5,000 and Trophy
Second Prize: £2,000
Third Prize: £1,000
We organised an exclusive discount of £100 off a Wingbeat Roprey model purchase (complete set only) for competition entrants prior to the event!
The 2020 event was sponsored by;